When envisioning October, you may imagine crisp leaves, pumpkin-flavored-everything, or the frenzy of Halloween costume ideas and plans. But there’s something else a little troubling also synonymous with October: candy.
Whether it’s the 3-pound bags popping up at Costco or the bowl of sweet treats sitting atop the receptionist’s desk; candy in the month of October is nearly inescapable. But what is the harm of one bite-size Snicker every so often? Sure, sugar in moderation is an acceptable stance and a fantastic first step toward reducing sugar intake. However, it’s the sugar-centric Halloween traditions of excess that we should be cautious of; in other words, when bite-size becomes much more.
According to the American Heart Association, children should not be consuming any more than four teaspoons of sugar per day, this equates to about 80 grams (which is arguably far too much in and of itself).
It doesn’t take a seasoned parent to realize that this recommendation is exceeded within minutes of traditional Halloween festivities.
Sugar-centric traditions tend to consume Halloween, but there are fun alternatives for sugar-conscious families. Consider visiting a local pumpkin patch in your costumes or watching some Halloween movies of yesteryear at home with healthy treats. There are also opportunities to donate candy to Americans in the armed forces through Operation Gratitude. This provides a fun chance for kids to give back while still participating in traditional Halloween festivities.
Don’t forget to stop by DeMoss Chiropractic on Thursday, October 29th from 3:30-6:30pm for our annual Halloween party. Be sure to wear a costume!