- On June 30th, California became the first state in which legislature passed a bill disallowing parents who cite religious or philosophical beliefs against vaccines from sending their children to any California public or private school after July 1st, 2016.
- SB277 creates an education crisis: thousands and thousands of children will be displaced from their current public or private school.
- Parents who have chosen to oppose one, some, or all of the required vaccines are equally restricted and affected.
- Once SB277 goes into effect, unvaccinated children will be forbidden from attending classroom-based instruction (including daycare). The government is “compromising” with parents against vaccinations by allowing their children to be homeschooled.
- If parents file a personal belief exemption (PBE) before December 31st 2016, their children can stay at their school until the final year of their grade span. The three grade spans are birth-preschool, kindergarten-6th grade, 7th grade-12th grade. So if a child is in 8th grade with a PBE on file before December 31st 2016, they are allowed to stay in school until graduation.
- The bill applies to the following state-mandated vaccines: Diphtheria, Hib, MMR (Measles Mumps Rubella), Pertussis, Polio, Tetanus, Hep B, Varicella and “any other disease deemed appropriate by the department.” Meaning, this list can easily expand.
- Due to SB277’s vague legal jargon, the bill could even allow a school to vaccinate without complete parental consent or knowledge. See for yourself, the bill reads: “…the governing authority of any school or other institution may permit any licensed physician or any qualified registered nurse…to administer immunizing agents to any person seeking admission to any school or institution under its jurisdiction.”
- The final vote on SB277 in the California Assembly was eight votes away from abolishing the bill, while the final vote in the California senate was just six votes away. This is far from unanimous.
- A SB277 Referendum is currently making its way to Sacramento. The referendum, filed by former state assemblyman Tim Donnelly, exists to abolish SB277.
- DeMoss Chiropractic frequently holds informational vaccine workshops, be sure to check out our Workshops page or our Facebook page for more information.