What should I expect on my first visit?
While completing your intake forms with DeMoss Chiropractic, you will be asked if you would like to submit your insurance. If the choice is to submit your insurance, then all insurance information will be gathered at the first visit. Your initial chiropractic consultation with the doctor is complimentary. Any further charges will be discussed with you before incurring. We do collect payment in full for services rendered on the 1st visit. Anything the insurance covers and pays for will be adjusted on your account.
How are claims submitted?
We will set up insurance billing for you and submit a claim for each visit. After the visit, a claim will be sent to your insurance company. The claim tells the company your diagnosis and the treatment received in our office. The company processes this information and creates an “explanation of benefits” or an E.O.B. A copy of this explanation is sent to our office and to you. The EOB tells both of us what amount the insurance company is paying DeMoss Chiropractic for visits and the amount you are responsible for paying our office.
What happens if I unpaid or overpaid for my services?
Our billing department will enter the information into our computer and adjust your account accordingly. Meaning, if you paid a $45.00 co-pay for your visit and it should have been $40.00, you will receive a credit of $5.00 for each visit overpaid. The opposite is also true. If we charged $45.00 per visit and the co-pay was actually $50.00 you will be billed for the additional $5.00 per visit.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I use my HSA/FSA?
Most often, YES! Although each HSA/FSA can have their own specific rules, we will help you to interpret and use those benefits.
Can I go to an out of network provider, and why would I?
An out of network provider simply means a provider hasn’t signed a contract obliging them to the restrictions of the insurance company. Why this can beneficial to you, is that we are not constrained to the number of visits a year, which can limit the quality of care we can provide. We will be able to perform many complimentary procedures in clinic that if contracted, we would be forced to charge you for.
Can I submit on my own?
Absolutely! In our clinic, we pass along what we call an “admin/clerical discount”. That means we extend deeper savings to you when we don’t have to submit your claims. If you choose to submit on your own, we will print the necessary forms for you to send in.
What payment options do you have?
At the office, we provide an all up front option that gives the biggest discount, or a monthly or weekly payment option. We accept credit card, cash, and checks.
Myths About Insurance
I have insurance so they should pay for everything.
It is rare that an insurance plan will pay all of your medical bills. Most often the company asks you to pay a portion of your medical visits either through co-insurance or co-pays or yearly deductibles.
The staff at DeMoss Chiropractic should be able to tell me what my insurance plan covers.
It is your responsibility to know what your plan covers and what it does not cover. You can call the number on your insurance card and ask them about your coverage at any time. As a courtesy to you, we can verify your benefits.
Contacting my insurance company for my benefits is too difficult.
It’s just a phone call or login away! You can call the number on your insurance card and ask them about your coverage or visit their website at any time. In reference to seeing the chiropractor, the questions you need to ask about your plan are the following: Does my plan cover chiropractic visits? If so how many visits per year? Will I have to pay a deductible, co-pay or coinsurance on my chiropractic visits? (if you have a deductible to meet you should ask how much you have remaining)
If I have insurance I have to use it.
Some people choose not to use their insurance in our office. Instead they are “self pay” patients. Self pay patients receive a discount for paying at the time of service. For some people who have high deductibles this is better for them financially.